You know what is the meaning of the number and alphabet written on the PAN card

The first three digits written on the PAN card indicate the alphabet in English. This series can be any three letter from AAA to ZZZ, it is decided by the Income Tax Department.

You know what is the meaning of the number and alphabet written on the PAN card

You know what is the meaning of the number and alphabet written on the PAN card-

1. The first three digits written on the PAN card indicate the alphabet in English. This series can be any three letter from AAA to ZZZ, it is decided by the Income Tax Department.

2. The fourth letter indicates the person paying income tax, if the fourth place is P, it means personal. F is the alphabet of a firm, C represents a company, T indicates trust. A Hindu family undivided from H is represented as a body of individuals from B, a local person from L and an Artificial Judeocell from J and a government from G.

3. Pan card fifth letter is also an English letter. This displays the surname of the PAN card holder. For example, a person's surname is Pawar or Patil, then his number five will be P.

Any four digits from 4.0001 to 9999 are written after the first letter of the surname which shows the series of Income Tax Department which is currently in progress.

5. The last digit of the PAN card ie the tenth digit is also a letter of English, it is the power of any letter from A to Z. It is a digit to check an alphabet.